Mar 18, 2009

UT and Hormon Therapy

I resumed taking UT drops - 5 the 1st day and 10 the 2nd day, and the 3rd day (Saturday) I took 2 TBS on arising (which caused a stomach ache for 5 minutes while it probably disabled some bad bacteria in my stomach) and 2 or 3 more tsp through the day. Today I did about the same, and the effect is INCREDIBLE. My moods have cleared up, my thinking is better, I have more pep, better attitude, brighter outlook, more joy, more love for myself, my 2 cats, and others; etc. I am now going to back off UT some because the effect I have is IMHO all I could ask for. I'm 6' 168 and I may not need much UT. I'm delighted to know I can get back into UT and reap the wonderful benefits and probably never have to stop UT ever again. At age 57 I should have many good years left, and I'd bet UT will add life to those years, and probably years to my life.

Last year when I get better I thought I should gulp urine all day for possibly eternity but I got too much of something - and whether it was autointoxication from too much of a toxic metal, hormone, or nutrient, I do not know, but if I play my cards right I think I can live a much better life with UT on a low maintenance dose of perhaps a tsp or less every other day. That is all that's needed for some people. I've read it many places on the net and in MC's book.


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