Can you believe it? I did shivambu (urine therapy) for a whole year every day! Honestly, I never did grow to love the taste of it, but I usually didn't mind it. It has been worth the sacrifice. Here is where I am:
I'm probably about as healthy as the average person for my age at this point--maybe a little healt
hier in some aspects and a little worse in others. My skin has gotten considerably better, I work with people for a living now and never hear a complaint or people sniffing.
My hair and nails are both thicker and stronger than they were when I was a kid. I remember writing a post in here crying as I typed because my hair was falling out in globs. Now it's thicker than it ever was--including before I got sick! There is something about urine that strengthens the hair like nothing else. And my nails? When I was a kid and young adult, my nails were always soft and bendable. After urine therapy, they are hard and strong now and don't break off easily. I have to take fingernail clippers to them just to keep them from growing so long that I can't type.
I don't get canker sores at all in my mouth, or geographic tongue. The psoriasis that covered 1/4 of my body that went away has never reered it's ugly head. I was getting eczema on the palms of my hands and that never came back either. No more blisters on the eyelids--right in that wet spot under the eye lashes. I used to have acne so bad it was like running my fingers down the soft side a greased up cheese grater(bumpity bumpity bump!). Plus my back was so greasy I would just touch it and come back with soaked finger tips. Now? I have a soft, perfectly smooth back with no pimples, just like when I was 10 years old.
My face has also cleared up a lot. I used to have horn sized acne and terribly oily skin. Plus hundreds of white, pin sized bumps covering my forhead. They are all gone. I still do have to avoid sweets, and highly over processed foods, but I don't really care for most of that stuff anyway. My forhead and face is slightly redder than the average persons still because I do have a small bit of food allergies left, but it's improved 90-95%. I can walk down the laundry degergent isle now in the grocery store and before I couldn't do that. I had very severe allergies to just about everything.
No more constipation making me sit on the toilet for an hour in vain; no more loud gas that could be heard rumbling down my back even before I passed it; no more stomach pains that terrified me that something inside me was about to break; no more digestive problems that seemed to increase in severity and cut down my food choices; no more kidney infections that made me feel like I was on fire; no more liver stones clogging up my bile duct; no more toxins clinging to my colon.
I don't get dizzy spells, I don't run around in a fog, or trip over my own feet when I walk due to concentration problems. My breath is good, except right after I've had my moring potion. No more vertigo, no more confusion, no more physical
coordination problems at all.
My mind is also clearer and I even think happier thoughts now! There has got to be some sort of chemical breakdown in the brain when the blood is filled with toxins that just makes the mind think unpleasant thoughts. Plus the fact that I don't have an aura of garbage smell with sewer butt smell anymore must have something to do with thinking more pleasant thoughts each day. I used to be so foggy that I couldn't remember what I was saying at the beginning of a sentence by the time I got to the end of the sentence. It was like having all your thoughts on a big white board and having someone erase them as you were trying to write them. The thoughts just vanished as I went along. BLEEP! The brain is clear! No thoughts enclosed.
My skin is still thinner and I've lost elastisity. It has improved A LOT over the past year, but it has not improved all the way. Part of that was because not only was I on a vegetarian diet for years, but I was also eating the same foods repeatedly because I didn't want to take the chance that I would eat the wrong thing. After UT, I am able to eat meat and all sorts of food again and hopefully by the end of the year, my protein coming back into my diet will fix that. I also have droopy sagging muscles, which I hope is attributed to my previous poor diet choices. I have been eating meat since July 27th, 2008--almost 3 months ago. I am willing to give it another 3 months before I start judging.
Well, that's about it! I am pretty healthy now and very happy. I will keep udating on my meat eating diet and I may start my old exercise program back up since I'm getting enough protein now to hopefully get muscles. Take care everyone and never give up! You can get healthy.
by Lovey
Date: 9/30/2008 1:44:52 AM
I feel like i have an onset of vertigo. not very sure but it runs in my father's side of the family. How exactly did you do the UT, i would like to get rid of that sudden dizziness or buzzing in my ear. Any update will be helpful.
Hi my ñame is Elvira and I have vertigo and thyroid disease and I was wondering how i can do the urine therapy and do I need a special diet ?Please email me at
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