Nov 27, 2009


Wow you guys I am so so grateful for this wonderful medicine that I now know about. I first read about the therapy and wanted to see if it could help me with my acne. To my surprise my cystic acne,those bumps deep in the skin, would come to a head by the next day. I also found that my urine stops the acne from growing. For example if I n
otice a small bump and I put urine on a swab and swab it,the acne would actually reseed at the beginning stages.I also started to drink about a fourth cup of my own urine a day.I would wake up urine for 5 seconds, then fill the glass about a fourth full.Then I would finish using the bathroom and drink the urine while warm. The very first day I felt different. For years I have suffered with depression and anxiety/ADHD. From the day I started drinking urine my whole days were good. I no longer felt nervous around people or scared that someone was looking down on me. You guys this stuff is god sent, nothing worked for me, but this did. Also in my research I found that urine will heal a cut within seconds, I scratched myself and applied urine and the scratch did not even bleed, yes I did see the white flesh, but it immediately started to heal.I can not express to you the importance of this information. If you can try it. Urine is sterile meaning no bacteria. 95% water, the rest urea and other minerals your body had enough of so it released it from your blood creating urine. Urine has been found to heal a number of things. This is probably why its in Pro-Active, Eucerine and a number of other skin care products. I have always been mentally unstable and could not get any relief I even got to the point to where I was going to throw away a great relationship with someone who actually loves me. When I started with this therapy it was as if a veil was taken off of my brain, and I was able to think clearly. I am telling you this in an effort to get anyone I can to try it because I know first hand it works. If only one listens and benefits from my testimony so be it and thank you earthclinic family for helping me finally feel and be normal.Your examples and your bravery allowed me to find one of the greatest kept secrets to optimal health. Again thank you and I wish you all the best."

06/07/2009: Elizabeth from New London, North Carolina writes: "I've been trying u.t., now for three months. Reason why I tried it was because I had "bumps" on my genital area for quiet some time and used different types of creams to rid of them, but no avail. About one week and half after taking in a fourth of cup of my own urine, the "bumps" disappeared and never came back....

Sunny from Chicago, IL @ 07/21/2009

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