This is my first post on this forum, but I've been peeping around here for a few months. I recently finished a full 10 days of urine fasting, and initially I was skeptical about the supposed wonders it can bring. But after a few days of eating and regaining my strength, I noticed drastic changes within my body. You see, I used to suffer from debilitating stomach pains (been to many doctors but never diagnosed with a specific problem) and insane allergies to pollen, itchy scalp, oily skin, and the list goes stomach issue was my biggest obstacle though. In the past few years I began self-diagnosing myself and came to the conclusion that my intestinal lining was extremely fragile and thin due to years of bad diet during my childhood. Nowadays I eat very healthy and stay in good shape, but I still suffered from painful stomach cramps/aches. Well let me get to the point of my story. I came here to write about my positive experience by fasting on my urine for 10 days. It's been a life-changing event for me, and something I will always be glad I did. You have no idea how awful I've felt for so long, and to suddenly be pain-free is like a miracle. Urine fasting was worth all the anguish, and that's why I plan on doing another one in a week. My goal is to complete this fast once again for 10 days and do a daily maintenance dosage with morning urine. Also, I plan on doing a weekly 1-day urine fast for the rest of my life. I felt like death for so long and knowing that I can cure myself with my own medicine has renewed my outlook on life. Well, I guess I should do a log when I start my next one so I'll keep in touch. Take care
>I look forward to writing about my experiences with the upcoming fast. My goal is to control my eating once the fast is over, since previous fasts were all somewhat undermined by my incessant out-of-control eating. I'm very lean and have healthy eating habits, but every time I finish a fast it's really hard for me to control myself. I usually over-indulge and hate myself for it. Anyway, I'll keep you posted!
Jun 15, 2009
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A: Bravo! Did you continue with your normal routinee during your fast? Was it strickly urine or some suppliments? How was your energy level? My longest is two days with water only.
B:Fasting was done strictly on urine and some water. NO supplements of any kind. I broke my fast with 2 days of drinking lemon juice and maple syrup, and gradual solid foods with raw veggies and fruits afterward. My energy level was very low while fasting...I felt like a walking corpse during the last few days. Right now I don't work and only go to school so it wasn't too bad, but I couldn't imagine going on any further than 10 days. I lost a lot of weight and my acne cleared up, so that was a plus. Also, my craving for meat is GONE! I used to eat meat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner but nowadays I only eat it for lunch, if any at all! I feel so much healthier but I just hope this isn't temporary. Anyway look for my upcoming log, as I am planning on starting my next fast on 2 May. Take Care
A:Did the color and taste of your urine change during the fast?
B:Yes it did. I read that the more you drink it during a fast, the clearer it gets. But I had the opposite happen to me. My urine tasted more bitter and if I didn't drink water it would've been horrible. It looked darker too, but I drank it anyway. Why would fiber be bad for you? It helps get rid of the leftover gunk soon after a fast, so when I start eating I usually start with apples for a day. I feel so much better afterward
There's nothing wrong with having some fruit now and then, and apples are great for breaking a fast, but if you want to learn about fiber, you have to dig deeper than the usual vegetarian hype. For example:The author has cured himself of ulcerative colitis, which is the last stage before colon cancer.
While fiber stimulates the intestines mechanically, it eventually causes constipation and other major digestive issues, as it damages the bacterial flora which is really responsible for the health of the gut.
>Yeah I had about 3 bowel movements during my fast...all diarrhea. VERY dark in color. My diet is 70% raw fruits/veggies and 30% cooked, and hardly any processed foods. Americans typically consume nutrients through processed foods, supplements, and other aids that are unnatural and/or too potent. Fiber is a prime example. Too much of this is definitely dangerous in processed form, but foods naturally rich in fiber shouldn't be demonized along with the others. As a matter of fact I have better bowel movements after I eat a few apples to break my fast. It's amazing to see what your stool looks like after consuming only one type of food...definitely makes you WANT to eat healthier. Well, in 1 week I will begin my final 10 day fast. I can't wait!
David Jubb David Jubb David Jubb :)))))) - a lifetime of breatharian, herb teas & urine therapy. Written extensively by him scientifically. Foremost 100 years research his four corner globe scientist teachers.
nope nope. UT will not repopulate the gut bacteria. It helps as antigen therapy and a bunch of other things absolutely. But it does not repopulate gut bacteria in my experience. Even UT enemas. Try fecal transplants. you dont need to do UT fasts once the gut is healed. promise. lay persons answer is to do 500 billion to a trillion probiotics a day ( preferably customized after doing stool analysis ) .. edible bentonite clay to mitigate / speed up healing.. increase bentonite clay until stools normalize then maintain that dose. When the gut heals then it will start rejecting bentonite clay and probiotics ( runny stools ) and lower dose keep lowering listen to body feedback. Takes roughly 3 years.. peace and happy healing . by the way. I did UT injections at the Doctors office ( could only afford 5 in a series of 12 ) so started doing at home under tongue is what doctor said is all it takes. I didnt listen and did urine enemas and also drank a bit. got super severe stomach cramps .. then switched to just a bit in the morning and had residual flutterey stomach spasms that went on almost 24/7 for the first week. so wierd. I am just doing a few drops a day and a UT enema a week and the fluttering is all but stopped. I am trying all this after spending 9-13K annually out of pocket ( thats WITH medical benefits at 80/20 ) to try and have doctors fix me after sepsis and on my deathbed when a hospital mis diagnosed me and tried to kill me. I am ready for a fecal transplant. Although Johns Hopkins says customized individuated probiotics based on the persons microbiom are in the near future. Peace and happy healing to all . I hope it helps.. check out Donna Pessin on you tube she has good info on healing the gut. basically its probiotics and clay.. love an light all
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